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Blue Magoo


     Blue Magoo is a hard hitting colorful indica cross of DJ Shorts Blueberry and Major League Bud.  This strain has a sweet berry flavor that will leave you feeling relaxed.  Blue Magoo can be used for a variety of medicinal purposes ranging from severe pain to anxiety.  


      Blue Magoo is a fairly fast growing strain that provides very dense buds making it yeild more than the eye would estimate.  It does well being pruned, LST is not recomended for this strain as it will become "bushy" on its own accord from pruning.

Blue Magoo:  Growth Index Information 


     Blue Magoo Growth Index information is provided below, for more info about how to properly use Growth Index please click here.

Veg GI

Blue Magoo Growth Index:  Vegatative Growth  


     Blue Magoo is a steady growing plant averaging .73 Growth Index Units per day under optimal conditions.  Pruning the Blue Magoo has shown to be a good technique for increased yeilds.  The Blue Magoo will grow a large number of primary shoots if pruned right, buds leading to large colas in flower.

Flower GI

Blue Magoo Growth Index:  Flowering (days 1-14)  


     Growth Index for flowering is measured over the first 14 days of flowering since this is the time of largest expansion by the shoots, as explained in An Into to Growth Index.  

complete GI

Blue Magoo Growth Index:  Complete Cycle


     Blue Magoo OVERALL growth throughout the cycle (vegatative & flowering) is fast, steady, and sure to yeild fantastic.

Blue Magoo Growth Index: 13 Day Increment

     The 13 day Increment scale is a very useful tool for calculating how much the plants have grown in a 2 week period and maintaining a steady growth pattern.


  • Blue Magoo has Growth Index Average in VEG of .73 

  • (.73) x 139.49 


In optimal conditions during VEG the Blue Magoo should grow 9.49 Growth Index Units in 13 days.



ON GRAPH:  10/9/14 - 10/22/14 - (VEG growth 18 plants 1.6K watts)

  • (BM1) plant grew 5.5 index units in 13 days - this is below the targeted 9.49

  • (BM2) plant grew 9.5 index units in 13 days - this is .01 index units above target!


ON GRAPH:  10/22/14 - 11/4/14 (VEG growth 18 plants 5k watts)

  • (BM1) plant grew 13.75 index units in 13 days - this is above the targeted 9.49 by 4 index units! 

  • (BM2) plant grew 12.75 index units in 13 days - this also above target!


  • ATF has a Growth Index Average in FLOWER of .88 

  • (.88) x 13 =11.44 


In optimal conditions during FLOWER the Blue Magoo should grow 9.1 index units ever 13 days.  Since the first 2 weeks of flower is the only time the plant is truly expandig shoots during the flowering cycle this meausrment is only taken once during first 2 weeks of flower.


ON GRAPH: 11/4/14 - 11/17/14

  • (BM1) plant grew 11.5 index units in 13 days - this is above the targeted 11.44!

  • (BM2) plant grew 11 index units in 13 days - this is slightly below the target by .4 index units 





dry weight gi

Using GI Information for Blue Magoo to predict Yeild


     All the information above and the techniques involving Growth Index are widely used in most Plant Propagation Industries, but can be applied to specific strains as well.  Note that every grow room is different but these numbers may be used to generalize the growth rate and yield of specific clone from West Coast Chronics.  If the clone was not acquired from WCC the information / graphs are worthless information even if its the same strain.




Target Flowering Growth Index (TFGI):  target growth index for a plant (specific size) desired to begin flowering cycle

        Note:  Every flower room will have a different Target Flowering Growth Index, it is up to the grower to pin point the size he likes his                       plants before flower initiation


Final Growth Index:  Final Growth index of the plant.  (before harvesting/cutting plant, take growth index) 

Blue Magoo:  Dry Weight by Final Growth Index


Individual Blue Magoo plants were measured for Final Growth Index, this is then correlated to the amount of Dry Flower the plant produces.  The equation for this calculation for this strain is given 


               y ~ .1366x + 4.77


               =Final Growth Index


The most Important variable to note is the 0.136x, this value is specific for this strain and can be used to compare to other strains provided by West Coast Chronics.  The higher this value the more weight per GI unit the strain will yeild.  For example if a strain had a value of .111x which is lower than .273x, the strain would yield less and the Blue Magoo even if they were the same size / Growth Index


       On Graph:  An Blue Magoo plant with a final GI of 90 will yeild about 10oz premium dry flower, however when the plant is only 10 GI units larger at ~ 100 the plant will yeild about 13oz of dry premium flower. 

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